Reduce the risk of call-backs (Pharmaceutical Affairs Act Breach)  Merit of Bloom import representative
With any called back goods, there will be a drop in profit and in consumer trusts. Thus, it is important to abide by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and do not breach the standards. Standards are there to help reduce the need for product call backs and it is crucial that any cosmetic products comply with it.

In 2008, relevant component and display and inspection took over 60% in cosmetic products (class II).
Thus, to reduce the risk of callbacks, it is important to conduct components analysis to legally describe a cosmetic product and not miss any commingling of exogenous materials.

* “Information about callback of medical goods” researched by Independent administrative
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency.
*Class II is the situation which is not think temporary or medical treatable health damage or serious health damage (Abstract Medical number 237 March 8th 2000)
* In 2008 cosmetic (class II callback) 101 item.

Bloom import representative services
At Bloom, we offer the maximum quality control system as a cosmetic import representative company.
Relevant component
・ We conduct will conduct the appropriate components analysis in our laboratory.
・ We will conduct the components analysis based on our original “screening .analysis”.
・ Our laboratory is located in the same building and our customer services together with our staffs will always be smoothly examine and produce analysis reports.
・ We are also a member of CTFA (Personal Care Products Council) and will be able to receive the latest components information in real time.

Legal display and inspection
・ At Bloom our operations are always diligently producing and drafting display labels for our customers
・ We can reduce the risks of leaking out component and label information
・ We have our own storage facilities at Bloom Logistics, thus we are able to conduct inspections quickly and smoothly.